Make Money - Start the wealth process now regardless of how your finances currently stand.
Increase Your Value - Raise your prices & profits.
Become A Money Magnet- Change the way that money is moving your way.
Grow Vast Wealth- Without guilt or at the expense of others.
Proven Money Making Strategies - How to implement them right away.
Achieve Financial Security - Become financially free whilst still working your job.
Work From ANYWHERE - Build a laptop lifestyle over a 12 month period.
Replace Your Job - Best business models for recurring income in 2024.
This is the ULTIMATE money event in the UK. Make money, seize opportunities, change your relationship with money, become successful, use your money the way you want AND help others.
Taking place on Friday 10th - Sunday 12th May 2024, Peterborough
Located at The Progressive Academy, Numbers 8 & 9 Office Village, Forder Way, Cygnet Park, Hampton, PE7 8GX